
New AU album Verbs streaming for free. It will be released on June 26th and there will be a c.d. release party at the Holocene on June 24th.

Someone once said:

"Au's captivating, blissful self-titled debut of gently torn and crumbled pop songs has my ears humming like nothing else Portland's put out this year. Just now, in between this sentence and the one prior, I forgot for a moment I was even writing about this and fell into it like the wonderful dream that Au is. Melodies shake from within ambient fog, folk songs play with their own shape (think a chamber-informed Animal Collective), voices drift and drone--it all happens together, magnificently. I'm smitten. You will be, too."

Willamette Weekly - Michael Byrne.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"willamette WEEK"