
RIYL: Non-Linearity and warm, organic folk

Le Loup - Family

steeling worried minds via Hardly Art records (2009)

I've been all over the place--literally--driving across this spacious country of ours and trying to establish a life for myself over here in D.C. Such an undertaking has kept me insanely busy, and the blog has fallen to the wayside. I'll do my best to keep posting with some regularity, but the number of words per day is not promised.

Today's record is from a former DC band, Le Loup, who've up and left to find new inspiration (kinda like yours truly), settling in the basement of a small Maryland cabin to record this inspired album, their second. I wasn't a huge fan of Le Loup's first album, but this latest effort is blowing my mind. There's not a single song on hear that doesn't completely envelope you in its rounds of swirling harmonies, acoustic guitar and banjo, sonic experimentalism, and drum-circle percussion.

Buy it at Insound!

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