
Black Kids - Partie Traumatic

After giving Black Kids 2007 EP release an 8.4/10 Pitchforkmedia has chosen to defend their 3.3/10 rating of their recent full length release Partie Traumatic with this photograph above. I haven't listed to Black Kids enough to argue one way or the other based on the music but this is ridiculous. The caption on the homepage doesn't even warn the reader of the ensuing madness:

"After a well-received EP, Jacksonville's Black Kids release a Bernard Butler-produced debut that surprisingly hit the top 5 in the UK."

When one is this eager to generate buzz about new bands one should take the time to think about what they're doing. Do we think this really is Best New Music? Should we even bother doing this? What happens if we don't like their music in six months after we've generated all of this buzz about them?

Most importantly, they're just a bunch of "kids" playing music. They probably appreciated the praise, but they most likely didn't ask for it. It's kind of sick to think about people doing something like this. The picture isn't even that funny. When Pitchfork slammed Weezer or Nine Inch Nails they at least explained why. You think that it would be important to explain why you liked the ep of a band you generated a bunch of buzz about so much and why you're now so critical of the album. This could also be a big joke. ("Haha! JK! We don't take ourselves too seriously. It's just music! Now for the real review")

They've also asked all writers to lower their ratings because they've been "too high" recently.



Arya said...

american rolling stone? more like the american nme.

Arya said...

i actually meant to say "new rolling stone? more like the new nme" but i think i got captchad